Friday, April 27, 2012

Back to the future: Shaving off ten years

Word is going around these parts about a way to lower your cholesterol, lower your blood pressure, increase circulation and make you feel 10 years younger.

The solution is: Stop watching the Red Sox play baseball.

'New' look
It’s been pretty bad, at least so far, for us citizens of Red Sox Nation.

But, in more practical terms, I’m addressing the cholesterol situation with Pravastatin and the blood pressure situation with Lisinopril.

And, in order to look 10 years younger, I shaved my moustache and beard.

The dual demons of age and vanity have been sitting on my shoulders as we turn the corner toward summer and as I prepare to marry off my daughter Elizabeth at the end of summer.

I celebrate my 59th birthday in June, and I’ll be into my 60th year when I walk Elizabeth down the aisle.

I just don’t want to look like I’m in my 60th year. As I told her, I want to be seen as a younger father of the bride, not an older father of the bride.
'Old' look

It’s not like I’ve had the facial ornamentation for very long.

It started in August 2008 right after my stepdaughter Kelsey married Jeremy.

I was newly retired from a long-time job, and I was looking for new opportunities as a consultant or freelance writer/editor. The beard made me look wise … or at least wiser than I actually am.

Kelsey and Jeremy now have a daughter -- Rylin Anne -- and the salt-’n-pepper moustache and the all-gray beard certainly gave me the look of a grandpa.

But as I creep closer to my daughter’s wedding, I’m thinking a change of scenery is necessary. And it’s all about me and my vanity, how I want to look and feel about myself.

It’s a funny thing about us Baby Boomers: We want the respect that should come with age, but we don’t really want the look of age.

So we boxtox, lipo and color our hair.

But I won’t botox my jowls. I won’t lipo my gut. I won’t color my gray.

I’ll try to eat right. I’ll sweat my butt off at the gym. And I’ll shave off as much of the offending gray as I can.

On Sept. 1, I’ll see if I can make 59 look like the new 39 … okay, okay … maybe 49.

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