Friday, June 17, 2011

Baby Boomers Recognition Day is hereby recognized

Some Baby Boomer expert I turned out to be.

I didn’t know, until just now, that there was such a thing as a Baby Boomers Recognition Day.

It’s June 21.

Now, I checked my day planner and the only official notation I have for the 21st is the fact that “Summer begins”.

But Holidaypedia -- apparently the Wikipedia or Wikileaks of holidays -- notes that Baby Boomers Recognition Day is observed annually on June 21 to “Pay tribute to the contributions of baby boomers to the fields of business, medicine, education, law and countless others.”

Hmmm, that’s a lot of tributes and tributaries to take care off in one day. I mean, we could spend an entire day just thanking Baby Boomer Al Gore for inventing the internet. Then there’s all the time we’d have to spend talking about the Beatles or Jimi Hendrix or Bob Dylan or …

I couldn’t find a reference for Baby Boomers Recognition Day in Wikipedia, nor could I find a card for same at my local Hallmark card store.

I guess I’ll spend Tuesday -- Baby Boomers Recognition Day -- just living my normal life as a working retired Baby Boomer.

By the way, June 21 is also World Humanist Day. I didn’t know that either.

I hope the two aren’t mutually exclusive.

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